Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Aloha oi!

Grandma and I just landed at the lihue airport and were waiting for melanie to come fetch us. So we just thought why not make you all jealous.. He he. Aloha and mele kaliki maka


Ali said...

I know the part of the story where you don't get to stay in Hawaii for longer than one hour... and then you get COACH like the rest of us and get squished between our nation's best... so,I'll be honest - I am not jealous. Except that you got to indulge in reading Twilight for the first time... you only get that experience once.

Natalie said...

So, you didn't spend Christmas in Hawaii? Good, because I was getting really jealous being stuck in Hurricane with 30mph winds. You are going to LOVE "Twilight"! You are probably done by now, huh? I finished it in just a few days. Ali is right, you only get that experience once! Happy Belated Christmas & Happy New Year dear cousin!