Friday, January 23, 2009

Travel Karma

So I'm thinking dad needs some new travel karma. We booked him on the early flight to L.A. So that he would have extra time to make his connection to Kauai to see mom.. The got the flight loaded and of course, the darn thing had to pull a mechanical and eventauul cancelled. Luckily we got dad listed on the maui flight, and standby tickets on to HNL and LIH to go see his beloved. We had issues last time he and I escorted gma helen to LIH. I'm just hoping the man isn't cursed. Did he break a mirror on a plane or something. I'm calling for a karmatic change.. Just need ideas on how to make it happen..

1 comment:

BnK said...

I think if he took his youngest daughter along, he would be safe. It is Friday the 13th in February. Maybe something should go on there? We could all go outside at midnight and howl at the moon? Or, we could just tell him to stop making gun jokes to the flight attendants. I think that would help.
