Friday, June 5, 2009

"Prince and the Pea"

Ok so Mom says I'm the Princess but either way.. I've got the "Queen" size bed to dwarf them all. I inherited a new box spring today, my second. Yes Mom actually said, 'Oh you already HAVE a box spring!" Uh yes I replied as I got a running jump up onto my bed for this picture. As you can see the Pain and agony in my face as I am feeling for the 'Pea' under my back. My legs even dangle off the edge no where near the floor.
Enjoy the photos.
Princess Mike


BnK said...

Lol. I remember when i was little after I would go to the bathroom in the middle of the night I would jump back onto my bed to keep my toes away from the ankle biters. Now you can do it every time!

Mike Flegal said...

Not only can I.. but I have to.. ITS HUGE!!!