I landed in rainy Atlanta at the ungodly hour of 6am this morning having slept poorly in my first class seat. Something about not having a leg wrest that made my body not want to sleep. It seemed that any position I got myself into one part or another of my body decided that it would go to sleep. Weird parts, like my elbow, not my arm. I must say that it was a bizarre sleep if any occurred. It didnt help that I had the movie 'September Issue' playing in my ears.
Landing and stumbling off the plane thanks to my swollen feets and lack of sleep I found my way to the baggage claim area and secured my bag. It was still only 620am and I just didnt think I could go to my hotel so DANG early. So I plopped my booty down in the atrium in the airport next to the big ole dinosaur bones and cracked open my current novel. Im reading the Percy Jackson books. (Shipley and Wickman might get a kick out of them) I had to giggle, as I was there reading this gentleman was passed out in one of the super cozy chairs and kept snoring on and off.. I felt at home.. LOL..
As I sat there reading with music playing in my ears to ward off the sound of the snoring man, my nose was filled with a wonderful aroma. I had seen that Wendy's was open but I thought that delicious smell couldnt be coming from there.
I got up to search out the source of that delicious smell and what did I find? HINT Mrs Helen would be so proud! Thats right I hit Paschals for eggs, bacon and yes, the breakfast of the gods, GRITS!!! They were so dang delicious! Now, Im not saying they were better than the ones Grandma made but OH MAN, after my long day and and the flight, It was like a little plate of comfort there for me to enjoy. Oh man enjoy I did! They could have used some butter and maybe some sausage instead of bacon but I was quite sure i'd almost died and gone to heaven. Or maybe heaven was paying me a nod since I was doing just what Grandma told me to do. That was to eat Grits any chance I got when I was in town.
So in honor and memory of, Grandma Helen. Breakfast was to you!