Monday, April 19, 2010

Allergies? Me?

Someone told me today that its possible to develop allergies as you grow older. I almost smacked their face.. I am not older!!! Im only 31 for crying out loud. But allergies I most definately am feeling today. Watery eyes, sneezing like crazy, stuffed up nose, its just not right I tell ya. Its just plain rude!
Lets hope it is only for a few days and not goin crazy!


Liz Green said...

Perhaps your cruise in Alaska can help get rid of allergies. I'm anxious to hear about it and see pictures.

BnK said...

So when I saw the date on this I thought it was May. I thought to myself "blogging in Alaska...whatever" I just realized it was April. hehehehe. I'm a silly pants. We miss you guys. Most of all the cat misses you. She just wines when I go over there.