Sunday, April 6, 2008

Its all about the mood...

You know how your mood can really set the tone for your night.. Its doesn't matter what you are doing, if you aren't in the mood you won't have fun.. I'm actually out dancing with my friend this very monent and what am I doing? Blogging cause I'm not in the mood to be here.. This kid keeps hitting on me and I'm SO not feeling it. So I escapped to the corner to blog about my bad attitude. Its kind of theraputic to realise my foul mood so I can change it. I've decided I'm gonna pamper myself on monday or tuesday and get a facial.. Maybe Ill fell better after that.. Ill let y'all know..
Roger wilco over and out
and just to prove my point, as I was sending this blog over the wires, this OH NOT SO CUTE fella came up and asked if what I was doing was more important than dancing. In my nicest manner I said yes and went back to what I was doing.. OY VEY!!!..


Emily said...

I didn't know they had dancing at the conference center? Weird! That guy should have been paying attention to the speakers instead of "people watching". Next time, just point him in the right direction and he might leave you alone. Aren't I so full of good advice?! Well, that's what cousins are for!

Mike Flegal said...

oh emiline.. thanks for that.. I needed a good laugh today. Yer the bestest!!

Betty said...

are we related? umm I THINK SO