Saturday, June 28, 2008

Hiking Mt Olympus

So Katie texted me last night with the brilliant idea of hiking Mt Olympus.
Ive always had a fear, or aversion to that mountain ever since my first hike up it. It was my first hike with the scouts. I was ill equiped. I had my fathers frame backpack, a bowl of leftovers in a cool whip container and TWO otter pops. Ps it was an over nighter. It was awefull to say the least.
But today really kicked my butt and Im really glad I did it. I conquered that mountain in just the morning. We got to the trailhead at 645am and were down by 1130.
Heres the pics.


Liz Green said...

Awesome Man! Way to hike your butt all the way up and so early in the morning.

Emily said...

Wish we had some great hikes around here where we didn't have to worry about rattlesnakes, scorpions etc. Looks like you had a beautiful day for hiking!

Betty said...

Thanks for going. I talked to Becky last night and she loves you. FYI..but who doesn't, honestly. Sorry your legs are those carbs Ü. I love your body larry.

Shelly said...

Oh my Mikey, you have joined the outdoorsy group? Who is going to be my inddor friend?? Looks like fun. I got Katie's text and thought surely she was kidding, or sent it to me by accident. But guess what. I think next time I juuuuust might go. It looks fun. Do you stop for old women like myself who are so out of shape that going up the stairs causes shortness of breath? I love you! So does Halle. She needs to play w/ you again....xoxox