Sunday, July 26, 2009

Off the Grid.

I lost my cell phone tonight at work so I am officially off the grid until the new one I ordered arrives. Im hoping it gets here before I leave town! Good freakin luck! So my line is on suspension until I either get a loner or get the new phone.. Lets see if I can survive a whole day sans the phone.. who wants to bet I totally loose it?


BnK said...

I was going to leave the phone you gave me, the one I have now, but mom said that a friend of yours was going to let you borrow hers. Let me know if you want it and I can send it up with Karina tomorrow when she goes to work in Salt Lake. Love you. -Betty

Mike Flegal said...

Im sure I can just get one from the T-mobile store or from pam.. or from annie..