Sunday, December 5, 2010

ATTN: Siblings

I was talking to Katie yesterday and apparently non of us have turned in our pictures. I remembered that whenever I sent them to Ali to get put in the book, because I am the odd duck out, I always got small photos.
So I had this crazy Idea.
What if we created an online place that we could all upload our pictures too. I don't know if everyone has a gmail account but the Picasa photo manager is pretty sweet. The nice thing is you can manage all your photos there AND upload them to a site. If we chose an email address, say and then we could all upload our photos to that Picasa site. I believe Katie, or whoever is supposed to make the book, can then access our photos at the normal size. As you upload your photos you number them or label them and then send an email to that gmail with your thoughts, comments and what you want in the book..
This is just an idea and I have not created the email. I was just thinking I could do this to help her.
Thoughts my siblings?


BnK said...

Did you get me email about the shutterfly account?

Teresa McCormack Flegal said...

I like the idea alot... You know me and pictures. Can't get enough...