Monday, November 19, 2007

Check List update...

#1- I cleaned my bathroom and am working on the bedroom. It will be done by the time sara and paul show up tomorrow night
#2- Ok so I didnt get any laundry done that night but Ive since done quite a bit.. so uh.. check?
#3- havent even started. But dont worry andrew.. you will be the first to know
#4- Computer desk is ALMOST there..
#5- grr.. she lives 3 streets away and ive not seen her in like 6 weeks.. whats my major malfunction?
#6- this is an on going project that I am going to need help from all the cousins on. We are going to make her a DVD for her birthday with pictures and video. Pick some of your favorite pictures and email em to your cuz..
#7- uh.. maybe after thanksgiving
#8- I should have made phone calls but Im trying to be good about it..

there you have it nat.. so far.. so good


Liz Green said...

So I didn't quite understand who the dvd is for. Grandma Flegal???

Natalie said...

Ha! See, don't you feel so accomplished? How was your visit with Sara & Paul and the munchkins? I missed them while they were gone!