Monday, February 11, 2008

Skiing with Tom and Steve.

Sadly I do not have pictures of this fun day because my camera was in the shop and my cell phone was totally devoid of power. BUT, we did have OH so much fun. The boys flew in saturday night and we went out dancing and shaking out booties. Sunday we had brunch with some friends, picked up our ski rentals and headed up to ALTA for a day of skiing in the beautiful sunshine. It was such an amazing day. The sun shone all day and it was picturesque. (dang broken camera) Monday we skied again but this time at SnowBird. I was really excited to ski there cause they have this cool tunnel through the mountain from one bowl to the next. HOWEVER! Mother nature in all her glory had the wind blowing so hard up at the top today that they closed the back bowl and so we didnt get to experience the tunnel. We did go up there though and DANGITALL if the wind wasnt blowing so durn hard that it was like ice pelts being shot at your face. IT was blowing so hard that it slowed me down going downhill.. We ended up staying mid mountain the whole day which was just fine with me. I had a blast.. My thighs on the other hand are gonna be singin a painfull song tomorrow when I go to work.

I have not heard anything from DELTA concerning my job in 2 WEEKS!!!!!!!
Frustrated much? I think so!! so since I am supposed to be starting a week from tomorrow I thought I might call him again tomorrow and just try to weasel the travel plans outta my recruiter. Pray that I will have the patience to be kind.
love y'all and thanks for your congrats..

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