Friday, March 28, 2008

Seeing the Aurora Borealis in Fairbanks (updated)

Monday Mar 24th, I flew up to see Pam and Verdi up in Fairbanks and to see the northern lights. I took our non stop flight on Anchorage and then missing the last connection to Fairbanks I got to sleep (liberally used word) in the airport.

Pam was SO excited to see a friendly face, not that the people of Fairbanks are not friendly cause they totally are, but come on.. Look at me.. Im SUPER friendly!..

So I was taken on a tour of the city. They just had the World Ice Sculpting competitions there and so I got a few pics of what was still standing. Some had melted but not all of them.

We went and had lunch at a super Yummy chinese food place in.. GUESS where! North Pole Alaska! It just goes to show that you can find Chinese food anywhere! We ate at the Pagoda and I gotta tell ya, It really was good! But the real reason we went to North Pole was to see Santa's workshop.

But they were closed! Now I know what you are thinking. Santa's Workshop NEVER CLOSES! But they were.. I think they were on vacation after working a hard Christmas Season this year. After all the human population is increasing exponentially!

The next day we went out to see the Alaskan Pipeline. It runs the oil from the Northern Alaskan Oil Fields all the way down to Anchorage so then it can be shipped to the 'Lower 48'.

Yes Pam and I are 'surfing' the pipeline.
Here is a 'Pig', for those of you who have seen the James Bond movies, this is what he crossed the border accept he was in Russia or Germany.
The Pipeline is raised off the ground and there is Permafrost under the ground all the way there.. Go look up Permafrost cause I'm still a bit confused on the whole issue.

We totally scored and had a great view of the lights. I dont even know how to describe right now how amazing they were but don't worry ill get back on and update this blog. I'm just totally wiped out from traveling and have to work 11 hours tomorrow.


Ali said...

A-mazing!! Andrew will be insanely jealous. Thanks for sharing the pictures. I want to hear more about what you did!!

p.s. I type 85 words per minute, zero errors. My self esteem just jumped through the roof :)

Natalie said...

That looked like a fun trip - but it gave me the cold shivers thinking about how freezing it must have been! I've always wanted to see the norhtern lights...i bet they are beautiful!

Emily said...

Wow, what a fun adventure! Natalie didn't like the idea of cold, but thinking about the approaching Arizona summer, I'd take the snow any day!