Monday, February 9, 2009

Off to pick up Grandma..

So my flight couldn't be more picture perfect. Now when I say that I'm not sitting in first class enjoying a hearty meal. No it reminds me of the first trip that I took with Grandma to Hawaii. We had booked her in a first class seat and I just figured I would get to sit up there with her using my employee pass.. But no! She enjoyed the first class luxury and I was trapped in 'Roach' as we call it at work. So for me, yes it is picture perfect. I watched two movies both with a recurring theme of strong willed southern women, the first one I didn't recognize but the second was 'The Secret Life of Bees.' Like I said.. Picture perfect.

1 comment:

Kara said...

Mike, I am so touched by your love for grandma and am grateful that you get to pick her up. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.